
Showing posts from September, 2016

Heal the World;I am not a colour.

In reaction to the recent shootings of black unarmed men lately and on the issue of colour discrimination generally, I felt the need the write this 7am Thursday morning. My post of Gender discrimination can also be seen tagged "Wife Beater" #NoToColourDiscrimination #NoToGenderDiscrimination #NoToWomenAbuse.    I have a series of questions bordering all ages,    Nonetheless not restricted to a particular race,    Which is directed to every human in space,    That it finds it's way through our mind's intricate maze,    Shall we discriminate against rainbows in the sky because they have different shades?    No,we marvel at how each colour was intricately and wonderfully made,     Awed by the peculiarity and singularity of each colour that brightens our day.     Why then should we discriminate against our own different colours,     Let's go by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution,     If every organism arose from a single organism by divergent evolu

What I want more

After all the ambivalence,it's become clear, What I want is to be successful, To walk head held high amongst sneers, Some motivational speaker might dare you to take a little more pain, But how can you? When you can't even get your thoughts straight, I mean the world is such a beautiful place, And I'd like to see it through your eyes, But I know what you're going to say, It cannot be,why? How is it said in Latin? Que sera sera? what will be will be, Birds of a feather flock together, So give me a chance, just one, So that I can be better, As I strive harder, This is my prayer, This is what I want more. -Adejumola Richard.

Forgotten Soldier-Joshua P.Simons

This is an excerpt of an interesting book to read.The writer outlined even the smallest details and made it seem you were in the story itself. "......So, out of options, the king instructed the High Mages to use the Geneshan artifact,” I said. Ava nodded. “The plan was to use the power of the artifact to initiate a massive transfer portal from Hol to Balak’s location. They’d bring in the king’s personal guard along with every other mage available. The hope was to hit Balak hard and in all the confusion seize him.” “And you left?” I asked. “Snuck away that morning, right before they attempted the transfer portal. I didn’t sign up for that. I felt the power of that artifact. And I sat in on some of the preliminary studies of it. The Geneshans had every right to be scared of using it. Dekar grunted. “Obviously.” “Well, at least the worst of it seems to be over,” said Ira. “I’m not sure,” said Ava. “What do you mean?” Dekar asked. “People are getting better. You’re finally up.” “Yes