Health with Threlaculis.

Have you tried unsuccessfully to lose weight,either conventionally or unconventionally?
Well most people have that issue.Today I'm going to approach this issue from a scientific point of view.

Today's segment will do with eating right. Despite the access to good food,sometimes we make some mistakes largely due to inadequate information on the right steps to follow.
As I said,despite access to good food, some people's body don't show any effect or signs.This is because though you have good food,but you are probably not eating right. Surprised? I guess you have the obvious question why?
Here's why;
Take for example the character Mimi,Mimi eats a lot or is trying to lose weight, but still isn't changing. This begs a question. Why isn't she changing? Apart from growing children who need more nutrients-and adults involved in tasking activities such as athletes, everyone needs a particular amount of energy in food which is measured in calories.
In adults it's been proven both by logic and study that one acquires more nutrients when one sets about dividing a food into portions (of maybe two or more) depending on size.Your body isn't overloaded from a heavy meal and can easily break down the meal acquiring the maximum nutrients available compared to when you stuff every available space in your gut.
Still don't understand why?Read ahead.

I studied separation techniques in my early undergraduate days, during one of the practicals we performed-in groups-each group was asked to extract a solvent from 30ml of a given mixture using ether.
Whilst others went ahead to use their sample all at once,we divided ours into three portions of 10ml,and we used this to extract the solvent. We later found out that ours was among the group that extracted the most solvent.
The stomach is a distensible organ,it has limits and when overloaded,enzymes produced by the saliva,pancreas, and the gastric wall can only act on an appreciable part before the rest is passed into the small intestine where also a small portion of it is absorbed before the rest passes down as junk. This results in the "filled" feeling and flatulence. Remember I said the stomach is distensible? That's right!It can stretch to accommodate more than the usual amount it's supposed to.
With people trying to lose weight this is a very helpful technique when combined with aerobic exercises.It is a well-documented fact that the amount of food that a person eats is affected not only by internal factors such as hunger hormones but also by environmental factors such as food availability and food advertising. Experts believe that the overabundance of cheap food and the omnipresence of food marketing in our society today cause many of us to eat too much.
I will continue in the next segment of Health with Threlaculis, thank you.
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